Ayon 4

Ayon Theme Installation guide

What you need to start:

- Prestashop 1.7+ / Prestashop 8.+

- Ayon theme purchased and downloaded from Themeforest.net

Latest version of Prestashop can be downloaded from the official website: http://www.prestashop.com/en/download

And here you can find an Installation guide: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS17/Installing+PrestaShop

WARNING! Not official version of Ayon theme, downloaded NOT from Themeforest, can work not correct and make harm to your shop. Only official version of Ayon theme downloaded from Themeforest have a guarantee of proper work and full support by RoyThemes.

Unpack downloaded theme package.
Login Prestashop Back Office
Go to Design – Themes & Logo - Add new theme
Go to Modules - Module Manager and find Mega menu PRO - configure
Go to Slider Revolution menu in LEFT PrestaShop menu column (if your demo doesn't have slider - skip step and go to next one)
Go to Crazy Elements - Crazy Editors - Content Any Where menu in LEFT PrestaShop menu column.
Go to Ayon Customizer menu in LEFT PrestaShop menu column. Then:
- open Demo Import
- choose Demo settings you need - Apply settings
- choose Demo colors you need - Apply settings
- click on Save changes.

Go to Advanced Parameters – Performance
- set Recompile templates if file have been updated
- set Cache to NO, click Save
- then click Clear cache in the top right corner.
Great! We've done, now go to your homepage and look at your new shop!

NOTIFICATION: Crazy Elements and Revolution slider modules don't need any activation. They included to theme as bundled plugins. The activation of modules only gives you some additional content from modules developers. If you still want to use additional content - you should purchase license on modules developers website and get the code.

Ayon Theme Customization and Modules guide

Ayon Customizer
Crazy Elements
Roy Content
Product sliders
Mega Menu PRO
Simple Blog

You can manage Blog for Prestashop from the left menu of your back office.
Simple Blog allows you to add posts, categories, manage comments, etc.

You can find documentation of Simple Blog in documentation/ folder of theme archive.

That's all. If you still have questions check documentation or write to support. Good luck with sales!

Where are premade files to import?

Where to find PSD files?

Go to unpacked folder - psd/ . enter the folder by demo name you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Crazy Elements - Content Anywhere doesn't have EDIT button, instead shows code like this or empty area:
SOLUTION: Crazy elements - Settings - Troubleshooting - Register All Hooks Needed for Crazyelements - Yes - click Save.
Menu is shown on a separate line and not in the header position like in a demo.
SOLUTION: You need to go to Modules - Mega menu PRO - configure - Settings and set it like this:
Crazy Elements module asks for license code, how I can activate it? Same for Revolution Slider.
ANSWER: These modules works with theme without license as bundled plugins with premium widgets developed for Ayon theme. License activation gives you an opportunity to edit such things like categories descriptions, etc. with elementor module and access to library with some extra content from module developer.
You don’t need it to build a home page content and slider or use and edit default content from demo.

If you have more questions, feel free to write to support please.

How to Update your theme?

Here you will find how to update Ayon theme.
Important: If you missed few updates - you need to install it one by one following this guide. All previous updates are in _updates/ folder.
So if you have for example Ayon v3.0 and current update is 4.0 - you need to do 3.1 update, then 3.2, then 3.3, then 4.0.
Download last version of theme from Themeforest. You can do it here.
Unpack it on your computer.
IMPORTANT! Make a full backup of your files and database before update.
You can do it with your FTP client (I recommend FileZilla) and copy all your website files to some safe and warm place on your computer. Also you must backup your database.
You can also use your hosting provider backup services if you want.
ATTENTION! If you have already made custom changes in files (.css, .tpl, .php) - remember, that you if you need these changes you will need to make it again after update.
Go to unpacked updates/ folder - version you need. Upload with replace all folders to your shop via FTP client.
If update folder contains modules .zip files - these are new versions of modules used in latest version of theme. You need to install them one by one via Back office - Modules - Module manager - Add new module - upload module's .zip file installer.
Go to Prestashop Back Office - Modules - Roy Ayon Customizer - configure.
It's better to go through all the tabs and if there are new settings - set it up. You can find it with new circle label, for example:
Click 'SAVE CHANGES' to apply new features of update. That's all!
If you have smarty cache enabled - go to Advanced Parameters - Performance and Clear cache.
ATTENTION! If something go wrong with the website - check Customizer tabs - you can find labels with version number on tabs, which means that on these pages you can find new features need to be configured. If not helped - feel free to write to support, please.

If you have any problems or questions - you can write to support.

Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you like it - please rate it on ThemeForest.

Support of Ayon Theme

There is : THE SUPPORT